September 12, 2004
4th Sunday after the Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary
We celebrate the Holy Mysteries at our usual time this Sunday at 11am in the chapel.
Our Church continues to reflect upon the Dormition and Assumption of the Theotokos. In her life we share the life of the entire Church, in her joy we share the joy of all the saints, in her heart the love of her Son, the Lord of heaven and earth.
In the heart of Mary we behold a diary of the human heart.
In this week's Feast of the Holy Cross (Sep 14) we behold the sign of the Heart of Christ and the hope of our salvation. We enter the culminating celebration of the Church's calendar year, we enter the culminating celebration of this world and the world to come, we enter the mystery of Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven, we enter the culminating celebration in the heart of the Mother of God.
Before Holy Qurbana
Exodus 3: 1-6, 11-14
Job 1: 1-5
Isaiah 1: 15 -20
Holy Qurbana
1 Peter 2: 1-5
1 Corinthians 3: 16-23
Matthew 5 : 38 - 48
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