Mar Makarios receives St. Gregorios image at Spokane Consecration

Fr. Michael and Heather presenting image of St. Gregorios of Parumala to Mar Makarios and the St. Gregorios Mission Society.
The presentation ocurred during the Season of the Holy Cross, 2004,
at the consecration of the new St. Gregorios Church in Spokane, WA,
where Corepiscopa Michael Hatcher is pastor.
In a recent 2005 visit, Mar Makarios proclaimed that the future of the Church itself lay in the vitality and vision of parishes such as St. Gregorios Parish in Spokane: people from all over the world, of diverse backgrounds and of all ages, have come together in fellowship & faith, in service & hope -- altogether out of love for Christ, His Church, and one another.

St. Gregorios of Parumala
Heather Durka, 2004
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