
Syriac Hymns: Madrasha, Memra re Kontakion

Syriac Literature:
  • Christian Hymns: Syriac Madrasha and Memra re. the Greek Kontakion
  • Greek Science, Medicine, Philosophy: via Syriac Christian Scholars into the Arabic World

Source Text:
  • Sebastian Brock: Introduction to Syriac Studies

  • Madrasha and Memra in Syriac Liturgical Poetry:

    Syriac as a Bridge Culture
    Syriac Christians writing in Baghdad
    c. 850 AD:
    the Arabic World receives Greek philosophy, medicine, science
    Syriac Christian libraries and scholars

    Syriac translations c. 1000 AD:
    Greek, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Sogdian, Middle Persian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Chinese:

    The Scope of Syriac Literature:
    3 Periods -- Patristic, Arabic, Modern
    Christian and Sufi Mystics