
Aug. 15: Dormition and Ascension of St. Mary

  • On the Dormition and Ascension of St. Mary the Mother of God
  • The Oriental Orthodox Churches name the dormition of the God-bearer as "The Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary," a symbol of the life and pilgrimage of the Church itself.

    This Marian Feast invites us to encounter Christ,
    to embrace His life in the Spirit, such that
    we become wholly Christ-like:
    to become "divinized in Christ"

    through all the gifts of the Spirit
    given to the Church
    in Pentecost.

    May the joy of the Feast and its promise in Christ be upon you,
    Fr. Michael Durka +

    written by Heather Durka

    Other Links to the Feast:

  • Dormition Icon and text, University of Balamand, Lebanon
  • See pdf texts on the Dormition by St. John of Damascus and St. Gregory Palamas

  • Early Fathers on the Feast of the Dormition and Ascension
  • John the Theologian: The Dormition of the Holy Theotokos
    Melito of Sardis: The Passing of Blessed Mary
    Joseph of Arimathea: The Passing of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    Cyril of Jerusalem: Homily on the Dormition
    Evodius of Rome: Homily on the Dormition
    Theodosius of Alexandria: Homily on the Dormition
    John of Damascus: Homilies on the Dormition of the Virgin

  • Coptic image of The Dormition:
  • Scroll down for scene inside "The Church of the Holy Virgin" at Syrian Monastery, Egypt.

    EXCERPT: The mid-seventh century...Egypt saw a blossoming of... iconographic programs, often covering more ancient works. This was no more true than in the monasteries of the Wadi Natrun. The Wadi and its importance to Coptic Christians dates back to the 4th century AD with the arrival of St. Macarius the Great ~

    Read more:
  • The Monastery of St. Macarius (Deir Abu Magar)

  • Unique to Egypt and her Monastery Mosaics and Icons
    In the monasteries of the Wadi Annunciation mosaic icon was discovered in the Church of the Holy Virgin which had been covered over by a scene depicting ascension in about 1225. The annunciation image could have been created as early as about 710 AD, when Syrians purchased the monastery. This remarkable work is not only inspiring because of its grand style, but also its rich iconography. It depicts the Holy Virgin, seated on a throne, listening to the archangel's message. She is surrounded by four prophets, consisting of Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, holding scrolls with Coptic inscriptions. In the background is the town of Nazareth. This theme is unique to Egypt.

    The Icon of the Dormition of St. Ephrem
    shows the Mystery of St. Mary's Dormition as a prototype
    of all the members of the Body of Christ...
    As the Lord said to the beloved disciple, "Behold your mother"
    -- so too to Ephrem and all the baptized faithful.

  • Iconographic Painting of "the Dormition" by el Greco, discovered in 1983