Pentecost and Eschaton: A Cloud of Witnesses
B. Varghese:
"West Syrian Liturgical Theology," ch 8
and the Eighth Day in the Holy Mysteries:
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The New Aeon,
The New Aeon,
epiclesis and koinonia in the Holy Qurbana:
The Holy Spirit makes
the liturgical Assembly
an ecclesial Parousia and
an eschatological Doxology.
the liturgical Assembly
an ecclesial Parousia and
an eschatological Doxology.
the Great Intercessions and Diptychs of the Anaphoroa
as Mission and Apokatastasis:
It is the revelation of the Church as the Epiphany of the Kingdom of God:
...the ingathering of all in Christ,
...the unity of all in Christ.
Read More Excerpts
Notes from the Gospels and Didache, Ephrem and the Fathers,
to Bouyer and deLubac, Schmemann and Zizioulas:
on "The Last Things and the Sacraments"
from Fr. Baby Varghese's book
West Syrian Liturgical Theology.
from Fr. Baby Varghese's book
West Syrian Liturgical Theology.
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