
September 19 & 26, 2004

Dear friends in Christ,

We invite you to visit the new Orthodox icons website linked at the top of the page~

Our Sunday celebration of the Holy Mysteries resumes this Sunday, Sep. 26, at 11am in the chapel.

Last Sunday, September 19, we were away on pastoral visitation attending the consecration of St. Gregorios Church in Spokane,WA.

His Grace, the Most Reverend Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios, Senior Metropolitan Archbishop of America and Metropolitan of Canada and Europe, was the celebrant. Priests from the East Coast and the Mid-West were in attendance with the entire parish family of St. Gregorios.

We offer our joyful congratulations to Cor Episcopos Michael Hatcher and all the parish.

May you be blessed in the abundance of His Life and Light,
Fr. Michael +

Welcome Visitors~
For those who are visiting us a first time, please click on the July Archives at right. There you will find our "Welcome" and a brief introduction to our Church.