
Photos: Consecration of Spokane Parish Church

Corepiscopa Michael Hatcher and the entire parish welcome Makarios Thirumeni, brother priests & deacon, and friends far and wide to the Consecration liturgies.

During the sermons of the Consecration Liturgies, Makarios Thirumeni noted that the future of the Church as a whole is envisioned in the everyday life of St. Gregorios Church of Spokane. Here people from many walks of life, many countries and ethnicities, share and become one body of Christ's faithful. And this one life and liturgy in Christ is offered to us through our fidelity to our Faith, our Living Tradition, and our common humanity and humor and love -- all brought together in the the Holy Qurbana.

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After the Consecration Liturgy on Saturday:
at center are Corepiscopa Michael Hatcher, Makarios Thirumeni, Fr. Durka

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Consecration Liturgy: note that all priests are fully vested

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Consecration Liturgy

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Procession after Consecration Liturgy into Fellowship Hall
Fr. David Jolly, His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios, Fr. Michael Durka, Fr. James Pike

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Fr. Cyril Davies, our newest priest & main celebrant of the 1st Holy Qurbana in the newly consecrated St. Gregorios Church, proclaims the Holy Gospel on Sunday morning.

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Sunday Morning 1st Holy Qurbana in the newly consecrated church:
note only main celebrant, Fr.Cyril Davies, is fully vested.

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Great Blessings in  1st Holy Qurbana of the newly consecrated church

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1st Eucharistic Procession and Benediction, 1st Holy Qurbana of St. Gregorios Church