Orthodox Ecumenism & Mission -- FYI's
Russian Patriarch and Malankara Catholicose
Metropolitan Kirill, Head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, visits His Holiness Mar Baselius Mar Thoma Didymos I, Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan.
Metropolitan Kirill took part in the presentation of the first of a 5 volume edition of "The Philokalia" in the Malayalam language, which took place at the Malankara Seminary in Kottayam, Kerala. The presentation was held in the framework of a seminar on spirituality, which gathered together representatives of Christian communities from all over Kerala.
Oriental Orthodox Patriarchs and the Roman Catholic Patriarch in dialog
Here is the address Pope Benedict XVI delivered Feb. 1, 2007, to the members of the Catholic-Orthodox Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue:

More on Oriental Orthodox & Eastern Orthodox
Ecumenical Dialog, Diakonia, Fraternity:
MORE NEW PHOTOS of Malankara Seminarians with their Bishops at OCA Seminaries:
click on links below
lecture given at Symposium on 1700th Anniversary of Christian Armenia "Theological Hope in the Kingdom" for Today's Troubled World.
The question at this point is whether we really desire unity more than our present disunity. Will we continue to be divided simply by the power of division itself? Certainly at the present time we seem to prefer the disunity of the status quo. Our cherished anathemas and preferred formulas give us a sense of security. Without them, our very identity seems threatened. . . Certainly this is the situation in which the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox find themselves today. If our church families can overcome the division of centuries, if they can recognize in each other the same one faith, if they can enter into a life of communion in the deepest sense of that word, their reunion will be a sign of promise for all Christians.
"You are able to strengthen others only insofar as you are aware of your own weakness. I entrust to you as your responsibility the truth, the great truth of God, meant for man's salvation, but this truth cannot be preached or put into practice except by loving.
Veritatem facere in caritate (To live the truth in love, cf. Eph 4:15); this is what is always necessary. Today we know that unity can be achieved through the love of God only if the Churches want it together, in full respect for the traditions of each and for necessary autonomy. . .
For us, the men and women of the East are a symbol of the Lord who comes again. We cannot forget them, not only because we love them as brothers and sisters redeemed by the same Lord, but also because a holy nostalgia for the centuries lived in the full communion of faith and charity urges us and reproaches us for our sins and our mutual misunderstandings: we have deprived the world of a joint witness that could, perhaps, have avoided so many tragedies and even changed the course of history."

(1) turning ad Oriens to encounter the Mysteries of the Kingdom;
(2) Eastern hagiography as a theological & liturgical font;
(3) the Mystagogy of the liturgy;
(4) the "logike latreia" of the Logos or as we name it the qurban of the Lord, as noted in the next link and excerpt:
Excerpts from Paragraphs 24-25:
. . . The cross of Christ is not simply a sacrifice, but the place where two opposed understandings of sacrifice clashed. . . Christ’s death does not, in the logic of the New Testament sources, fit the pattern of sacrifice. The word “sacrifice” is almost inexhaustible in its polysemy, particularly in the Old Testament, but the only sacrificial model explicitly invoked in the New Testament is that of the Atonement offering of Israel, which certainly belongs to no cosmic cycle of prudent expenditure and indemnity. It is, rather, a qurban, literally a “drawing nigh” into the life-giving presence of God’s glory.

Seeds of the Word Among us, Seeds of Hope and Glory:
Amish Spirituality & Psychology & Socrates, Icons & Liturgy, Qurban & Singing:
Orthodoxy and the Science of Psychology
Fideism, Faith, and Reason.
The chants have the micro tonal ornaments of Arabic and Indian styles.
Click on "Ensemble" in the contents bar of the webpage for a note on an Ecumenical Mission for Peace in the Middle East.
N.B. the site is commercial, so “the sparklees” are also at play ~

DEMOGRAPHICS of Indians in America
• There are 3.22 Million Indians in America
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St. Gregorios of Parumala
Heather Durka, 2004
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