Qurbana - Qurbono: Naming the Mysteries Then and Now
more links updated Oct 18, 2008
History, Geography re.
Qurbana - Qurbono
Malka - Malko
Mar - Mor
Revisiting the history and geography of "QURBANA" in the Syriac Language:
Recollecting a Theology of Qurbana:
Ephrem, Qurbana, the Early Syriac Church
“Spirit in the Bread; Fire in the Wine”:
The Eucharist as Living Medicine in the Thought of Ephraem the Syrian, by Dr. Sidney H. Griffith, Catholic University of America, Semitics Dept.,
Continuing excerpts of this essay by Griffith
Read more Syriac & Patristics Studies Excerpts :
Syriac Fathers Symposium
Jacob of Sarugh,Oct 2008
the meaning of sacrifice in light of the Qurban of Christ:
Korban to Qurbana: Israel's Exodos re. Christ's Pasch
origins and usage of the word:
from "the korban of Torah" to
"the liturgical Qurbana" of the Christian Church
brief synopsis with links to online resources
Syriac Madrasha and Memra,
Greek-Arabic philosophy, sciences via Syriac Christianity,
Church Fathers and Sufi Mystics re. Divine Love
Source Texts:
The Eucharist as Living Medicine in the Thought of Ephraem the Syrian,
Dr. Sidney H. Griffith, Catholic University of America, Semitics Dept.
Sidney H. Griffith, CUA Semitics
CUA Semitics Dept.
Sebastian Brock
Oxford Oriental Studies
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