
September 14: Feast of the Holy Cross

In the 7 Sundays
the Feast of the Holy Cross
we behold
the Sign of the Jonah

the Hope of our Salvation

We enter in faith
the culminating celebration of the Church's calendar year.
We enter in hope
the culminating celebration of this world and the world to come.

We enter in love the Holy Mysteries of "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." We enter the heart of the Mother of God, and we encounter the maternal love that she gives to the beloved disciple at the Foot of the Cross. She is the great birth-giver of discipleship -- and thus the Church itself -- the New Eve who is "the Mother of All the Living" members of the Body of Christ.

  • Note here the "re-capitulation" of Pentecost
  • in the Feast of the Holy Cross.

  • And through time and history
  • see the "Anno Domini" as an epiphany of the Church.

    From St. Ephrem in his second mêmrâ
    "On Reproof"

    Let us be builders of our own minds
    into temples suitable for God.

    If the Lord dwells in your house,
    honor will come to your door.

    How much your 'honor' will increase
    if God dwells within you.

    Be a sanctuary for him, even a priest,
    and serve him within your temple.

    Just as for your sake he became
    High priest, sacrifice, and libation;

    you, for his sake, become
    temple, priest, and
    sacrificial offering.