Patristic Typology: Ephrem's Syriac Mystagogy
Ephrem's Syriac Theology:
typology, verbal iconology, Syriac Mystagogy
of Ephrem's 3 Harps of the Spirit
from “Spirit in the Bread; Fire in the Wine”
The Eucharist as Living Medicine in the Thought of Ephraem the Syrian,
Dr. Sidney H. Griffith, Catholic University of America, Semitics Dept.
(1) Semitic Typology:

as Verbal Icon and as Sacramental Iconology

(2) A Phenomenlogy of Disclosure:
the Mystery-Symbol as Anamnesis:
Raza as living Kerygma and as Eschatological Fulfillment
via the Incarnation and Paschal Mysteries

(3) Again, to review and proceed
in a Semitic context,
and uniquely Syriac Mystagogy: Raze as
christology + pneumatology = ecclesiology

the Church's Liturgy and
the believer's Identity in Christ:
"christianus alter Christus"
Thus writes S.Griffith:
"Syriac-speaking Christians...
developed an incredibly rich tradition of symbolic theology of the Eucharist, almost an iconology, the fruit of meditating on the Word of God in song and prayer, in the context of the liturgy, not so much in the mode of fides quaerens intellectum, ...
(4) but very much in the exercise of fides adorans mysterium ...
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