Sanctification of the Church: Koodhosh Eetho
The Sunday of Koodhosh Eetho
The Church Year
nd the Advent of Christ:
we encounter again "the beginning and the end"
the Oriental Orthodox Church's Liturgical Year of seasons and feasts
-- on the 8th Sunday before the Nativity of the Lord.

Icon of St Gabriel of Sinai
written by Heather Durka
In each of these Sunday Gospels of the New Year,
we encounter the Archangel Gabriel in his mission
to prepare us in receiving the Child of Bethlehem,
the Lord of Heaven and earth, the Babe who is Pantokrator ~
Archangel Gabriel's mission for the Word Incarnate
belongs as well to the initial Kukilions
following the Epiclesis in the Anaphora.
The consecration of the "Mariological Assembly"
-- as the Ecclesial Body of Christ --
is carried through all the Kukilions,
but especially recollected as the choirs sing
Peace the bright archangel brought
hailing Mary fair,
favored is thy blessed lot!"
We open the pages of the Gospel Word . . .
and again with Zechariah and Elizabeth,
with Joachim and Anna,
with Joseph and Mary,
with the shepherds and the magi,
we sing in communion with the angels,
"Holy Holy Holy!
Glory to God in the Highest!
Christ is born among us!"
Icon of St. John of Patmos
written by H Durka
Each Gospel reveals a particular dimension
of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and a typos of Pentecost and the Mysteries of the Kingdom named through these 8 Sundays before Christmas:
Sanctification Sunday (Koodhosh Eetho)
Dedication Sunday (Hoodhosh Eetho)
Annunciation to St. Zechariah
Annunciation to St. Mary
St. Mary visits St. Elizabeth
Birth of St. John the Baptist
Annunciation to St. Joseph
Sunday of the Genealogy of Christ
Christmas Day
Online Audio Hymns of the Syriac Church:
Sunday of the Consecration of the Church

Read More on the Sanctification of the Church re. Advent
In these 8 Sundays we encounter Advents of the New Israel in our own lives and the whole of salvation history.
Read More, Dedication re. Advent - Nativity - Theophany
May the Spirit prepare our hearts in faith, hope, and charity~
Fr. Michael Durka
The Church Year
nd the Advent of Christ:
Following upon our Sundays of the Holy Cross --
a "liturgical icon" which recapitulates our communion in the Mysterion and Parousia
of the Resurrection and the Eschaton --
we encounter again "the beginning and the end"
the Oriental Orthodox Church's Liturgical Year of seasons and feasts
-- on the 8th Sunday before the Nativity of the Lord.

Icon of St Gabriel of Sinai
written by Heather Durka
In each of these Sunday Gospels of the New Year,
we encounter the Archangel Gabriel in his mission
to prepare us in receiving the Child of Bethlehem,
the Lord of Heaven and earth, the Babe who is Pantokrator ~
Archangel Gabriel's mission for the Word Incarnate
belongs as well to the initial Kukilions
following the Epiclesis in the Anaphora.
The consecration of the "Mariological Assembly"
-- as the Ecclesial Body of Christ --
is carried through all the Kukilions,
but especially recollected as the choirs sing
Peace the bright archangel brought
hailing Mary fair,
favored is thy blessed lot!"
We open the pages of the Gospel Word . . .

and again with Zechariah and Elizabeth,
with Joachim and Anna,
with Joseph and Mary,
with the shepherds and the magi,
we sing in communion with the angels,
"Holy Holy Holy!
Glory to God in the Highest!
Christ is born among us!"
Icon of St. John of Patmos
written by H Durka
Each Gospel reveals a particular dimension
of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and a typos of Pentecost and the Mysteries of the Kingdom named through these 8 Sundays before Christmas:
Dedication Sunday (Hoodhosh Eetho)
Annunciation to St. Zechariah
Annunciation to St. Mary
St. Mary visits St. Elizabeth
Birth of St. John the Baptist
Annunciation to St. Joseph
Sunday of the Genealogy of Christ
Christmas Day
Online Audio Hymns of the Syriac Church:

May the Spirit prepare our hearts in faith, hope, and charity~
Fr. Michael Durka
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